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Surgical Dermatology

Expertise in Surgical Dermatology

Understanding Surgical Dermatology

Surgical Dermatology involves performing a range of minor surgical procedures aimed at diagnosing and treating skin diseases and disorders. From precise skin biopsies to the removal of benign or malignant skin growths, these procedures form an integral part of comprehensive skin care.

Precision and Care at Dermaglare Skin

At Dermaglare Skin, Dr. Jabu Nkehli offers expert surgical dermatology services. With her profound knowledge and extensive experience, she ensures that each procedure is executed with utmost precision and care, while prioritising patient comfort and safety.

Surgical Procedures We Offer

Our surgical dermatology services include intralesional injections of medication, skin biopsies, shave excisions, and other minor surgical procedures. These are primarily used for the removal of various skin growths such as warts, skin tags, cysts, and others, both benign and malignant.

Prioritising Your Skin Health

Each surgical procedure conducted at Dermaglare Skin is geared towards improving the health and appearance of your skin. Dr. Nkehli believes in thoroughly explaining each step of the procedure to patients, discussing potential outcomes, and answering all questions to ensure patient comfort and confidence in the treatment plan.

Get In Touch

For specialised and caring pediatric dermatology, get in touch with Dr. Jabu Nkehli at Dermaglare Skin today.